Booking is now open for the 7th ESRC Research Methods Festival. The festival runs from Tuesday 5th July to Thursday 7th July, 2016 at the…

We’re pleased to announce that we will be presenting research from the Pedagogy of Methodological Learning Project as part of a Methodological Innovations special event…

Sarah Lewthwaite and Melanie Nind. 13:30-15:00, 7th April, 2016. ‘The interconnectedness of methodological and pedagogical innovation’, British Sociological Association Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. Sarah…

We have produced the second in our series of Quick Start Guides for teachers of research methods. This two-page guide outlines ten principles for effective…

The International Journal of Social Research Methodology has published a new special issue (volume 18, issue 5, 2015), dedicated to the teaching and learning of…

Prof. Melanie Nind and Dr Sarah Lewthwaite at the National Centre for Social Research are undertaking new research into the pedagogy of research methods –…

Sarah Lewthwaite and Melanie Nind. 9th – 11th December, 2015. ‘Converging Concepts in global Higher Eduction Research: local, national and international perspectives’, Society for Research in…

The annual, one-day Cardiff Q-Step Conference will be taking place later this month on Thursday 24th September at Cardiff University. This year (20), the conference theme is Quantitative Pedagogy in Action….