We have produced the third in our series of popular Quick Start Guides for teachers of research methods. The Pedagogy of Methodological Learning project has identified a…

Back in November 2016, the following workshop materials were produced for breakout sessions at our Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise at RIBA, London….

Richard Rogers, Professor of New Media & Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise‘ NCRM…

John MacInnes, Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean Quantitative Methods, University of Edinburgh talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise’ NCRM…

Melanie Nind, Professor of Education, University of Southampton and Co-Editor of International Journal of Research & Method in Education talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods:…

The LSE Review of Books has just published Sarah Lewthwaite’s review of Catherine Dawson’s new title ‘100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods’, a book that…

We have produced the second in our series of Quick Start Guides for teachers of research methods. This two-page guide outlines ten principles for effective…

The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) has just released a joint podcast with the International Journal for Social Research Methodology (IJSRM) about a forthcoming special issue,…