Our latest NCRM Quick Start Guide to Teaching Advanced Research Methods has been downloaded 560+ times since its release on March 27th. The guide has stimulated a…
Last week the National Centre for Research Methods published the Spring issue of MethodsNews. Our article, ‘Let’s talk about pedagogy’ [opens as PDF], is the cover feature. The article…
Teaching advanced research methods presents a number of distinct pedagogic challenges – from diverse learner groups and the practicalities of handling data, to the challenge…
[update: October 2015] Applications are closed and this position is now filled. Applications are invited for a full-time PhD studentship on ‘Virtual learning of advanced…
The Teaching and Learning of Social Research Methods: Developments in pedagogical knowledge Guest Editors: Melanie Nind, Daniel Kilburn & Rebekah Luff, National Centre for Research Methods…
Sarah Lewthwaite, Rebekah Luff and Graham Crow. Friday 17th April, ESRC Final Year Conference, University of Oxford. This is an interactive workshop designed to help…
Melanie Nind, Visiting Professor, Newcastle University Thursday 2 April, 12.00-13.00, room 2.22 Research Beehive For information about attending, contact: Alina Schartner How social science researchers learn…
The specialist panel component involves the formation of an ‘expert panel’ consulting international experts involved in, or concerned with, the teaching of qualitative, quantitative, and…