In August, Melanie Nind and Sarah Lewthwaite will be presenting a new paper at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), this year located in…

Panel discussion and Q & A session at the ‘Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise‘ NCRM Event. 30 November 2016, RIBA, London….

Richard Rogers, Professor of New Media & Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise‘ NCRM…

John MacInnes, Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean Quantitative Methods, University of Edinburgh talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise’ NCRM…

Melanie Nind, Professor of Education, University of Southampton and Co-Editor of International Journal of Research & Method in Education talks at the ‘Teaching Research Methods:…

The LSE Review of Books has just published Sarah Lewthwaite’s review of Catherine Dawson’s new title ‘100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods’, a book that…

NCRM is inviting teachers of advanced social science research methods to discuss findings from our new pedagogic research. Join us at RIBA, London on Wednesday…

We are convening a session at the forthcoming European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2017 conference. We are inviting abstracts (of up to 500 words) for individual papers on…