EVENT: Teaching Research Methods: Building on Research to Develop Expertise
NCRM is inviting teachers of advanced social science research methods to discuss findings from our new pedagogic research. Join us at RIBA, London on Wednesday 30th November 2016 for workshops, networking, panel discussion and keynotes.
***This event is now fully subscribed. To join the waiting list please visit our Eventbrite registration page.***
- John MacInnes, Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean Quantitative Methods, University of Edinburgh. John has played a key role as Strategic Advisor to the ESRC on QM Training and leads the QM Pedagogy research in the National Centre for Research Methods. He will be talking about teaching quantitative methods in the face of statistics anxiety.
- Melanie Nind, Professor of Education, University of Southampton, Co-Editor International Journal of Research & Method in Education. As a Co-Director within NCRM Melanie is working to enhance the ways in which methods training can be enhanced by being research-informed. She leads the NCRM Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study and will be talking about the pedagogic knowledge methods teachers/trainers have and use.
- Richard Rogers, Professor of New Media & Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam. Richard is Director of the Govcom.org Foundation (Amsterdam) and the Digital Methods Initiative. He had been an expert contributor to the NCRM pedagogical research and will speak on the topic of training and capacity building and digital methods.
Workshop topics cover: Responding to the statistical anxiety of methods learners and teachers; Identifying key features of a good pedagogic resource for methods teachers & learners; Making constructive use of an emergent typology of methods pedagogy; Using digital technology to enhance the teaching of research methods. Workshops are designed to create a learning community collaborating pooling expertise to make best use of research evidence alongside their professional knowledge.
Panel discussion includes John MacInnes, Richard Rogers, Sarah Lewthwaite (Research Fellow, NCRM), Gabi Durrant (Deputy Director, NCRM), Louise Corti (Associate Director, UK Data Service) and Howard Davis (Co-Director, WISERD). The panel will be answering your questions and focusing on the changing landscape of research methods and methods training, teaching and learning.
Videos of keynotes will be available after the event. To receive notifications when these are uploaded, please subscribe.