International Visitor Exchange Scheme 2016
[Please note: this competition is now closed, but will run again in 2017].
The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) is pleased to invite applications for the second round of its International Visitor Exchange Scheme (IVES) with 6 awards of up to £5,000 each. The scheme provides for incoming and outgoing visiting scholar awards . The incoming visiting scholar awards are for noted overseas experts working at the forefront of key methodological areas to visit a UK centre of methodological excellence. The outgoing visiting scholar awards will enable early and mid-career researchers from the UK to visit a centre of methodological excellence outside the UK.
The NCRM IVES awards are intended to provide flexible support for a programme of activity with the objective of advancing methodological understanding and practice in the social sciences. Activities which might constitute an IVES programme of activity include (but are not limited to): focused research projects, development of collaborative research proposals, research events and seminars, the provision of training and related workshops. IVES is aimed at enabling UK social scientists to engage with methods development internationally, in order to stimulate debate and develop ideas (with associated outputs) in relation to methodological innovation in the social sciences. The duration of the visits normally range from 1 to 3 months, although there may be more than one visit per application.
For more information and to apply, visit the International Visitor Exchange Scheme webpage. The deadline for receipt of applications is 16:00 GMT, 29 July 2016.