Paper: From guided-instruction to facilitation of learning: the development of Five-level QDA as a CAQDAS pedagogy
The International Journal of Social Research Methodology has published a new paper as part of a Special Issue convened by guest editors Prof Melanie Nind (Pedagogy of Methodological Learning project PI), Dr Daniel Kilburn (UCL) and Dr Rebekah Luff (National Centre for Research Methods) and dedicated to the teaching of research methods.
“From guided-instruction to facilitation of learning: the development of Five-level QDA as a CAQDAS pedagogy that explicates the practices of expert users” is a new work by authors Christina Silver and Nicholas H. Woolf focussed on the teaching of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis:
This paper introduces Five–level QDA (Qualitative Data Analysis) as a pedagogy for the teaching and learning of CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS) that spans methodologies, software packages and teaching modes. Based on the authors’ personal trajectories of using, teaching and researching CAQDAS since the late-1990s, the paper illustrates the need for a CAQDAS pedagogy by describing the challenges of learners in powerfully harnessing CAQDAS packages. The principles behind Five–level QDA are outlined, which focus on the contrast between the strategies and tactics of conducting QDA with software, and the need to translate between these. The implementation of Five–level QDA as an adaptable method of instruction is illustrated through the use of Analytic Planning Worksheets in the Recurring Hourglass design.
Full reference:
- Silver, Christina and Woolf, Nicholas H., (2015) From guided-instruction to facilitation of learning: the development of Five-level QDA as a CAQDAS pedagogy that explicates the practices of expert users, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI:10.1080/13645579.2015.1062626.