NCRM quick start guide: Principles for effective pedagogy
We have produced the second in our series of Quick Start Guides for teachers of research methods. This two-page guide outlines ten principles for effective pedagogy derived from substantial educational research. James & Pollard developed the principles from synthesis of 100 projects and investments during the decade long ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP). Our commentary prompts discussion about how the principles, often based on research in schools, may apply to the distinctive context of advanced social science research methods teaching. As James & Pollard (2011) contend, by applying the principles to such new contexts we will be enriching, and creating new, pedagogical knowledge. We want this guide to be useful practically, and to add to debate about effective pedagogy in research methods teaching.
To read other Quick Guides from this series, please visit ourĀ resourcesĀ page.Ā Further guides in this series are planned and in production, so feedback is very welcome. To receive email updates when new guides are published, please subscribe above.