Carnivale. Photo Credit: Faith Goble. CC-BY

Book review: Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

The LSE Review of Books has just published Sarah Lewthwaite’s review of Helen Kara’s new book Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences: a practical guide, a book that teachers and learners of creative methods may find useful:

Helen Kara’s new book explores the messy realities of research and emerging, creative opportunities. Sarah Lewthwaite finds Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences a reflexive, dialogic book that demands active reading. As a creative text for students and teachers, the book is designed to enable and support, rather than prescribe. The book looks at the breadth of innovative research practices and is ideal for those seeking to gain a broad sense of this dynamic field.

To read the review in full visit the LSE Review of Books. The review will be republished to the LSE’s Impact of Social Sciences blog later this week.

Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

Cover: Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences