New Quick Start Guide: A Glossary for Methods Teachers.
Research methods teachers often come from a variety of backgrounds, disciplines and methodological orientations. Consequently, a lack of shared pedagogic language – terms for the approaches and strategies in teaching – mean it can be difficult to discuss and deepen teaching practice. As dialogue between research methods teachers is a particular pedagogic asset in furthering methods teaching, we have developed a short 2-page Glossary of definitions of some relevant pedagogic terms aims to facilitate conversations among research methods educators. Our Glossary for Methods Teachers: NCRM Quick Start Guide (number 4 in the series) has just been published on NCRM ePrints.
The guide is based on research undertaken as part of the Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study. The study data indicate some methods teachers are able to talk about learning theory or pedagogy using a common vocabulary, others can describe but not name their approach and others still find it hard to put what they do into words. This glossary therefore may contain terms that are more or less familiar to you. The approaches overlap but have key characteristics that make them useful for teaching research methods. We invite you to use this Quick Start Guide alongside your own reflections to foster pedagogic conversations with colleagues.
Please share with colleagues. As ever, we welcome any feedback.