International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Special Issue
The Teaching and Learning of Social Research Methods: Developments in pedagogical knowledge
Guest Editors: Melanie Nind, Daniel Kilburn & Rebekah Luff, National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), University of Southampton.
In 2015 the International Journal of Social Research Methodology will be publishing a special issue exploring the development of pedagogical knowledge in relation to the teaching of research methods. The scope of papers will span qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods and a range of disciplinary and national contexts.
The importance of the teaching and learning of social research methods has been reflected in recent initiatives to address skills shortages, both at undergraduate level (through the Q-Step programme) and post-graduate level and beyond. The need for greater scholarly engagement with how research is taught and learnt is also driven by the realisation that epistemological and methodological developments have not been accompanied by a pedagogical literature or ‘culture’ for research methods. This issue seeks to address these gaps in pedagogical knowledge. This is an important step for the National Centre for Research Methods workpackage of research on The Pedagogy of Methodological Learning in our goal to foster a richer dialogue about pedagogy for research methods.
For more information contact: M.A.Nind@soton.ac.uk