Researchers’ Learning Journeys
Gaining an understanding of researcher’s methodological learning journeys is an essential part of our research into the teaching and learning of advanced research methods. To this end, we are engaging in research with researchers, recording and reflecting on their engagement with methods courses, texts, online materials, mentors and other learning experiences over an extended 30-month period. Using mixed-media diary methods, we will work with new and advanced PhD students and early career researchers engaged in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, to gain an in-depth understanding of the research methods landscape from a learners’ perspective. Findings from researcher’s learning journeys will inform a more robust, nuanced understanding of practice in methodological capacity building and to foster the dialogue, pedagogical discourses and cultures necessary to achieve this.
[…] a diary circle of researchers who are developing their methods knowledge and skills, to consider researchers’ learning journeys. Participants will record, reflect and share their learning experiences over a two year period. […]